Organization and operation

Greece has a European Consumer Center, which is co-funded by the European Union and formally participates in the ECC-Net. As from 1-1-2012, ECC-Greece has been operating under the auspices and with the support of the Greek Consumer Ombudsman, an Independent Authority of the public sector mandated with the out-of-court consensual settlement of consumer disputes.

Thereafter, the Greek Consumer Ombudsman has been formally designated as host organization to ECC-Greece by article 113 par. 1 of Law 4314/2014. By decision 38121/3-9-2021, ECC-Greece has acquired the status of an independent department with its own administration and staffing within the Greek Consumer Ombudsman.

Further to the ECC-Net mandate, ECC-Greece acts also as contact point and/or designated competent body for:

  • Providing general information on all redress mediums available for the settlement of disputes between service providers and service recipients (article 21 [2] of Directive 2006/123/EC).

  • Assisting consumers to access ADR entities with regard to disputes arising from cross-border sales or service contracts (article 14 of Directive 2013/11/EU).

  • Assisting consumers with complaints on unjustified geo-blocking (article 8 of Regulation [EU] 2018/302).

  • Issuing alerts to the competent authorities about suspected consumer law infringements and for providing information set out in article 26(3) (“external alerts”), according to article 27 of Regulation (EU) 2017/2394.

  • Exchanging information in the Internal Market Information System (IMI) with similar bodies in other countries regarding rights of people and businesses under EU Single Market to move freely around the European Economic Area for work, study, trade, etc.

  • Informing consumers about the possibility to turn to the European Small Claims Procedure (ESCP) for claims up to 5.000 euros, if cross-border consumer disputes cannot be resolved amicably through the ECC-Net or other available ADR mechanism.